Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why life ?

Why does life always have to get in the way of a great run ? I did not run Thurs or Friday. Why ? Life ! I worked till 1 on Thurs. but had to come home and get ready for a meet and great at 4. Got home about 8 and by the time I got the kids to bed it was after run Friday i got off work at 1 then went to my other "little" job and hurried up to do that ..bout an hour...came home to finish the pork for the community dinner at was out the door by 4. Didnt get home till 8, and again by the time i got things cleaned up and kids to bed to late to yet again . My cold has never left, but I have been dealing with it. This morning I wake up with a runny nose and a sore throat ! Seriously ! ? I will still try to run ! But yet again ! Now dont get me wrong I love life ! It just seems that when you have one particular thing to do, other things get in the way.

Question for you all ? How do you deal with a cold when running ? Do you still run, do you take something ? What do you do ? Is there something I should be doing daily to prevent colds ? I need to get rid of this cold :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rainy Days

I got a run in today. Yay I only did 1.5 miles though. I have had no time today so Im just glad I could get in a little. I was at 9:30 for my first mile. Thats huge for me. I have been stuck at 10:20-10:10 for ever !
I have been so busy the last 2 days, and its going to get busier ! I got the job that I interviewed for. Yay and I start training Wed, Thurs and Friday 9-1. Plus there is a community dinner at the school and the girls are helping and so am I . Oh and did I mention that my hubster is running for county commissioner ? So we are super busy with that :)
one of the friends Im running with on the sawtooth race asked if I want to run the Portland Marathon, I do, but I dont. A full marathon. Yikes. Lots to think about :) Its on 10/10/10, nice date !!

Monday, May 17, 2010

I did it !

I finally got out and ran today. It was easier than I thought with a cold. The first mile was pretty good, I did it at a pace of 9:39. I went off the road and did a trail run the 2nd run and that boosted me up a little, but all in all I did 2.24 miles @ 22:52. Im just glad I got out and ran ok. Yay

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Great Mail Day !

Woot Jenn @ sent me prize and let me tell you she ROCKS ! Look at all that good stuff :) Thank you Jenn !
Well I attemped to run yesterday and I ended up coughing and coughing and coughing ! Uggg. I guess I will stick with Jillian for a few more days. Maybe I could speed walk. Its finally beautiful here. No rain No snow. Nothing but blue skies !
I have a stupid newbie question ...what is PR ? I see it all over trying to get a "new PR" I know it has something to do with time, but how ?
Well off to do Jillian, have a great day everyone !

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Not Sure

What to do. I still have this cold and its a doozy ! I really really need to run..should I just do it ? Should I just try a mile or should I go farther and walk if I need too ? This is just my luck :) The weather here is still cold snowy/rainy. I dont think summer will ever come.

I have a job interview this afternoon, my first interview in 12 years. I have been a stay at home mom with here and there part time jobs that were just given to me. Im a little nervous, but I have a friend that is on the interview board. I hope that will make it easier.

I also found a local race Im going to sign up for on Labor day weekend :) yay ! There is a 30K 8.6 miler and a 5K. Im going to go for the 8.6 miler. Here is a link:
I think it should be a fun race and keep me motivated over the summer :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dragging ...

First I would like to say congrats to all who have or are running this weekend ! There seems to be alot of races going on. I wish there was one around here !
I am still sick. I have a chest/cough thing going on ! I'm thinking I may be able to do some "light" yoga to replace running for a few days ! Although I REALLY WANT TO RUN !
The snow has melted off now , that we have a dirt trail we can run on , and I would love to do that. I even bought some new trail shoes. Need to try them out :)
I have 34 days till my relay race. If you have not checked it out on my other blog posts, you should. The elevation is a killer, I have legs 5 , 11. http://
I have some of the easier ones, but who runs up hills ? I need to kick it in gear ! Im so excited for the whole weekend. Woot !
Happy Mother's Day to all !

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sick !

I have had a sick kid home for 4 days now. Im going crazy ! And now I have her sicky little cold ! Miserable thats all I can say. I walked my other monkey to the bus stop this morning (27*) and it hurt my chest and lungs to breathe....ya no running for me ! For the love of pete !
I was able to do the Jillian yoga meltdown yesterday...yes I melted down and not a fat melt :) She kicked my badonka donk ! Im so sore this morning. I know this is a good thing, and I cant wait to do it again. I really want to run ! I dont have many days left to train for the relay.

There are so many wonderful, inspiring, funny, informative blogs out there. I love reading them all. I know there is so much time dedicated to these, thank you to all ! :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Followers !

Yay I have 2 followers !! Thanks Gals. I guess I had better get busy and blog more :) I never ever win anything and last night I found I won a surprise gift from Jen over at Yay ! Thank you so much ! I cant wait ! There are so many blogs out there, I love reading them all ! Its so inspiring to me to read there goals and accomplishments. I have been slacking ALOT lately.Not sure why. Maybe the weather, its been snowing and blowing here for days. I have 40 days till my relay race ! I need to get moving ! I need to add a strength training as well. I have been deleting all carbs and then I will add the good ones slowly. I guess it would be called Atkins. :) It works for me and I 'm pretty sure it would be easier to run with 10 less pounds on me .
I'm going to have to a inside work out today. I have a sick kiddo and hubby is out campaigning (hes running for county commissioner) I think I will dig out "ole" Jillian. Shes a butt kicker ! I got her new "Yoga Meltdown" I will have to try it. I'm sure I wont be able to move after I do it.