Tuesday, June 1, 2010

12 Days ! Aaahhhh

12 days till my relay race. 12 days that it ! I'm scared and nervous, excited and did I say nervous. :)
I ran today 2 miles did @ 9:37 pace. Woot that's the best so far. i still have a cold but I'm running through it. Even ran in the rain, which rocked ! I had my sin (15 yrs) run with me and one of my daughters ride there bike with me. My son ran..well sorta, ok not really. He started off really good running with me, not a half mile in he started to wimp..he walked ..and then would run and catch up..he did this for a mile..then I lost him. I came around a corner and he took the short cut way and I raced him home and he gave up ..but at one point I was at 7:50 min. miles. YAY I thought I was going to die ! But it was AWESOME !
I'm starting a challenge for myself starting today. Today to the 12th I HAVE to run 10 days, strength 9 days . Eat healthy, take my vitamins, drink lots of water ! I weighted myself, and measured my arm, leg bust, and waist to see how many inches I can loose. Hope for lots !
Ive also decided I'm not ready for a full Marathon, so I will not be doing the Portland Marathon. Maybe next year...after I have ran a half. I do have one other race planned but its not till 9-5-10. Its 8.6 miles.....so I need to find one for July or August .

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